
Names and Adresses

I think feelings emotions and facial expressions are the same around the world. But, I think European and American are show their expression more than Japanese people. I think Japanese are very shy, so can't it as European and American.

幸せ                   ⇒ Happiness
うれしい                 ⇒ Happy
いらいらする              ⇒ Irritate
眠い                   ⇒ Sleepy
悲しい                  ⇒ Sad
悔しい                  ⇒ Regrettable
面倒                   ⇒ Bother
うっとうしい               ⇒ Annoying
楽しい                  ⇒ Enjoy
疲れる                  ⇒ Tire

I think it is "Uzai".

5 件のコメント:

mamanny さんのコメント...

Japanese people in not good at expression their feelings!
I would like to be Like American and British people!hahaha

Green Peace さんのコメント...

Reckon! 'Uzai'can not be translate to Japanese.
But,I think there are every person's emotion is same.

egye さんのコメント...

I agree eith you! I also think American people looks express more than Japanese people.

coconut さんのコメント...

I agree. Japanese are very shy!

Charlotte さんのコメント...

I also think うざい is too difficult to translate into English!