

Text page.7

1. How do people greet someone they've just met?

I say "Hello".

2. How do you greet members of your family?

I say "Ohayo", "Oyasumi" and so on.

3. Do you hug members of your family?

No, I have never!

4. How do you greet people who are important in society?

I use honorific word.

5. Do you greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?


6. Are the customs the same all over your country?

Yes, I think so.

Names and Adresses

I think feelings emotions and facial expressions are the same around the world. But, I think European and American are show their expression more than Japanese people. I think Japanese are very shy, so can't it as European and American.

幸せ                   ⇒ Happiness
うれしい                 ⇒ Happy
いらいらする              ⇒ Irritate
眠い                   ⇒ Sleepy
悲しい                  ⇒ Sad
悔しい                  ⇒ Regrettable
面倒                   ⇒ Bother
うっとうしい               ⇒ Annoying
楽しい                  ⇒ Enjoy
疲れる                  ⇒ Tire

I think it is "Uzai".

Welcome Colgate University Students!!

I talked with a girl. Her name is ... I forgot!!(>_<) I'm sorry(:_;) But, I think she is 18 or 19 years old... maybe.
We talked about boyfriend, comic, music and so on.
She said She likes Japanese comic books. The title is ... I can't remember!! Sorry... but, I think it was girls comics.
And, She likes Pomupomupurin and Hello Kitty. She draw these picture. It was very good!